Monday, May 18, 2009

the diary of anne frank act 1

1. The families must obey strick rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be hardest for you to follow?Why?

The rule that it is the hardest to follow is to be quiet because people got to talk to each other when they have nothing to do at that time.

2. a. In scene 1, what objects does Mr.frank find in the secret rooms?

Mr. frank finds a white glove just lying there

b. How are these objects connected with the rest of the act?

the objects are connected to the rest of the act because this is a reason why he went to go hiding.

3. a. What special meaning does hanukkah have for the families?

The special meaning is that when they have a bad day they should always pray to god to help them when they are feeling down.

b. What do anne's presents show about her?

Its shows that she cares about everyone.

c. Why do the others react with enthusiasm to there presents?

They felt that way because the present reminded them of there home.

4.a. With a partner, discuss Mr.frank's statement, "There are . . . no locks that anyone can put on your mind" How does anne prove that this is true?

She proves this by writing her thoughts in her diary instead of saying it out loud to everyone.

5.a. What is the histrical cause that forces the franks to go into hiding?

The cause was when the nazis where taking all the jews and puting them into conerntration camps

b. What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?

The effects are that other people might not have a lot of food and that they might have a chance that they will be taken by the nazis.

6.a. What effects do the nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the jews?

it said that they can spit on them like they were nobody.

b. What

Friday, May 1, 2009


once there was a lion witch like to take a hike on a suny day witch it was a good day to hunt for food. As he was walking down the road he saw a crow that was above the lake. So the lion said "get down here and come to my cave where we can have a feast with the other animals". The crow said "what are we oing to eat" and the lion said "you will see when you get there". As all the animals where at the lions cave the lion said relaxe and enjoy the meal". So as the fox was outside going inside the cave as he was late he saw animals coming out but he did not see the pig come out and they new the lion ate him and the crow said "you are what you eat"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame & why?
-Uncle Billy
-citizens of poker flat
-bad luck

I think that the one that you need to blame was uncle billy because if uncle billy hadn't of run off with the horse all of them would of have a chance of living because they wouldn't of got tired and stop walking to stay in that little hut that they stayed in and where some of them died in. I think that uncle billy was selfish because if uncle billy could of woke them up and they wouldn't of got caught in the snow storm that badly. That's why i think who you should blame for all of the things that were happening to them.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

kate chopin

the story of an hour
The thing that i learned is that some people don't like the people that are there friends or someone from there family members. The other thing that i learned from the story is that freedom can come from different directions during your life. It can come from the death of your mom or dad. It can also come from your death. My favorite part from this story is when she was walking down the stairs and she saw her husband walk through the door and then she died. Th part that i didn't like was when her husband came back when they said that he died.
The blind man
The thing that i learned from this story was that some people care about you if your famous or rich. The other thing that i learned was that some people are going to treat you differently if you cant see, hear, or talk. My favorite part from this story was when the rich important man got run over by the 2 people that were driving the cars and the old man didn't care because he couldn't see anything that was happening. But i really think that the important person should of got run over because people treat the rich people better than the poor people. The part that i didn't like was when the people that were around him where not helping him to walk him to the other side of the street and when the police didn't help him when the kids were trying to steal his pencils.
Desiree's Baby
In this story i have learned that some people are going to judge on how you look when they think they know where there from and it doesn't matter what color you are but what you think of them and how you feel about them. The part that i liked was when his wife left and then he found the letter from his mom that said that he was black and i think he deserved it for what he did to his black slaves and his wife. The part that i didn't like was when he through his wife out because of what the color was from there baby because of what he though his wife was.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's baby, the sequel

As he found out that he was black he stayed to think what he had done to his wife's stuff and what he did to his wife. He stayed there and he was thinking of what he had done just siting there thinking for at least about 30 minutes. Then he went to the plantation of cotton that he owned. He looked at the field and the workers. Then he called his wife name out in the field and fell to his knees. Looking at the sun he got up and started to walk tords it. When he got to the end of his cotton field there was a beach to his left and there was a big hill. He walked tords the big hill and he was looking at the beautiful sunset. Just before he could leave e looked down from the hill and he saw sharp pointy pillars that were just at the bottom of the hill. As he looked he saw somebody on one of the sharp pillars

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

if you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? why or why not? use examples from the story.

If I was to have a operation to let me get smarter only for a short time i wouldnt because if is going to be for a short time why should we do it. Then we might know everything and then all of a sudden a few weeks later you will be back to your old self agian were you dont know how to spell correctly. If your getting the surgey and something bad goes wrong and when you wake up and you become dummer for a short time. Then there would be a time if i get the surgery and then you got to people that know a lot abot something like when you go up to a docter that knows everything about surgery or something then Algernon tells him what he should do and what he might know about how the docter is doing it. If he does that the docter gets mad and might kick him out of the surgery room because he got mad at him. This is why i wouldnt get the surgery so i can get smarter for just a short time.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 8- the end

In the story i learned that family is really important because when you don't have a mom or dad you cant do anything when you just a little kid. In the story Benjamin was old when he was born and when he needed a place to stay in his dad was there because that what a family does is take care of each other and give them a place to stay in in the story. In the story family really mattered because when he was getting younger and he wanted to go to a school his son put him in there and when he needed a place to stay in his son let him stay in his house with him. In the story if Benjamin didn't have a place to stay in or somebody to support him when he was getting younger or when he wanted to get in a school he couldn't of because his family would of done something to help him.

Then there is age that really mattered in the story. In the story when he was born and then a few days later his father put him in a kindergarten they didn't excepted because he was to old that he always fell asleep in the class so he didn't go to kindergarten. Then when he got just a little bit younger he went to a collage to apply he couldn't because everyone say that he was to old to be in collage so the people that were in that collage chased him out of there. Then there was a time where he went to collage where his son graduated from and he was partying and he joined the football team and he was young and big tall he was scoring touchdowns and everything. Then in a few years he started to get younger witch he couldn't do anything good anymore like he used to and that's why age matters. After that they sent a letter that said for all the people that where in the war to go back there. When he went back there and the Cornell said that he was to young to be a civil war man. That's why i think age means in this story that sometimes your to old for stuff and sometimes your to young for stuff.

I think that beauty in this story is how you look. In the story everyone thought that Benjamin was his fathers grandpa because of the way he looked and this is why he didn't get into school because he looked old. Then there was a time in a story where Benjamin liked a woman where she looked good and everything. Then in a few years he started to lose interest in her because of her looks witch he got younger and handsome and she got old and ugly. This is why i think beauty is in this story.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and give your solutions for each.

My first problem is that i think that Benjamin is going to not like her at all because she is going to get old and he will he younger and be looking better. My solution is that they would stay married and benjamin would be out a lot because he joined the civil war.

My second problem is that his son will stop obeying him because benjamin will start treating his just like his father did when he was born then they would get close until benjamin sees something that he likes about him when he changes his ways. Like when they would be the same age.

My third problem is that as he gets younger he might go to collage. my solution would be that he'll only go to college to treat the people that chased him out of that collage when he looked older.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

I think that he should just tell him that he is my grandpa. Then he should tell then that he is holding his hand because he cant walk that good or he should just buy him a cane so it looks like he is his grandpa and not his son. When he goes in there they wont think that he got a son that is a 70 or 80 year old child or he should just leave him at his house and then come back for him later.

The Curious Case of Benjamin button, chapter 1

What would you have done if you were roger button in chapter 1?

If i was him i would just go to my house and cut his beard off and i would of died his hair brown or black so he wouldnt look like he was that old and i would give him some clothes or buy him some clothes that would fit him. Then i would tell him to act like he was my friend that was staying and not my child but only if we were around other people who knew that he wasnt my child.

Monday, April 13, 2009

cool city

This city is cool, I like the pools
The food is good it tastes good too
When you take a bite it makes your mouth drool
The building are cool they are big and tall
Some are small and ugly some are big and stylish
There are a lot of people in this city
Some live in a good home and others live in the streets or in a bad looking house
I live in a good house in this cool city
In this cool city you can play games
You can go swimming
Even sky diving
Some go skiing
And some go scuba diving
This is why this is a cool city

Monday, March 30, 2009

a story is worth a thousand words

I am the man in the shadows my name is nick and i am getting some sauce so i can put it on the pie so it gives it the extra flavor that i like. There is 6 people and 1 dog living in the house and also working in the farm. The dogs name is Jose witch we call chavela. In this time we are going to eat dinner and the desert is pumpkin pie. after we eat dinner we also have desert and it smells so good that even if its not in your mouth you can still taste it. and the best part is the crust because its crunchy and very good tasting. My doughtier Dalia looks at my wife and sees that she is feeding the horse some pie so she wants to give some pie to the horse. The horses name is Armando he loves to eat a lot But the house is rubbing the pie in Jose's face because he is starving and probably of jumping on the table and getting the pie there. The bread on the table is called bimbo that is made by us. Then there is the two little kids that are there are Jorge witch is eating like there's no tomorrow and Luis who is probably thinking very happy thoughts because hes always thinking of the toy that is right in front of him. My grandma that i probably making something out of wood at the table is Alma. Then finally the wife is Sandra witch i am married to.
We are all eating as a family, eating the pumpkin pie that i have been waiting for all day. But my kids, my wife, the horse, and my grandma eat all the pie and left a little peace just sitting there and when i picked it up to eat it the Jose, the dog jumped up and toke the peace of pie right out of my hand. I got mad and throw Jose out of the house for a while. Then when we where outside working on the farm we all where but not my grandma but when Jose and Armando were mad at each other and Jose bit Armando "the horse" in the tail so Armando went crazy and Sandra was there. As she was watching the horse go crazy and she tryed to stop him but Armando kicked her in her face and she died right there.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet peeves

1. I hate the screeh on metal
2. I hate ballhoges when were playing basketball
3. I hate people calling me over and over agian
4. I hate pencils screeh on tables
5. I hate losing a sport or a bet
6. I hate people when they dont trust me
7. I hate when people win and rub it in your face
8. I hate people screaming at me
9. I hate people being loud and noisy
10. I hate people that think there bigger and bader than others
11. I hate people swearing at me
12. I hate being hot like in the summer
13. I hate school
14. I hate when my bird screams a lot
15. I hate people when i tell then to do something an they do it wrong
16. I hate lires
17. I hate people truning off the computer when im on it
18. I hate when people have more stuff then me
19. I hate when people hit me
20. I hate when people throw stuff at me
21. I hate when people cup check me
22. I hate people telling me wht to do
23. I hate when people start singing out of no where
24. i hate when people talk to me when im pissed off
25. I hate when other people take the better food

Monday, March 23, 2009

the secret

It was my best friend’s deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. It was a hard one to keep because it was Jorge’s secret that’s he had and the only one he had told was me. Jorge’s secret was about this girl he likes and looks at almost every day. When I look at him to tell me the answers he’s looking at her or just talking to her, but when I tell him to tell her how he feels he gets very nervous. When she graves his arm or at least touches Jorge he gets all sweaty.
One day when I went to school and Jorge was at his locker and I got to my locker I saw him looking at her very secretly. I went up to him and told him “why don’t u go up to her and tell her how u feel” and he said “no” then I told him “why?” then he said “because im nervous that she might say no”. The bell rang. I said “lets got to class” he said “ok”. When we where in the class room I went to talk to the girl that Jorge liked and then I will talk to Jorge about getting with the girl he likes. After we got to talk to both of them I found out that the girl that Jorge liked kind of liked Jorge back. Then I told Jorge that she liked him back.
The next day when we came back to school I toke Jorge to talk to the girl he liked. When I toke him up to her she kind of got scared and red. Even Jorge got red so they started talking and I wasn’t there because I gave them some space so they can talk. When he came back he told me that she said yes and I told him if Jorge knew her nickname and he said spiderpig. The next day I told Jorge if anybody knew if they were going out and he said “no” I said “why not people are going to find out once in a while” he said “I know but don’t tell anybody” and I said “ok I wont tell anybody”. After school Jorge and the girl he was going out with in secret went somewhere nobody was so when they came back Jorge had his hair kind of messed up and he had red lips on his neck but he covered it up by putting his hood on witch covered most of his neck. But there still going out in secrecy

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her Death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. I didn’t want to do this case but I was forced to do it because I needed more money to get my own car and if I didn’t do It I would get fired. Then I told my wife that I will be gone for a little bit. So I got into my wife’s car and left. But when I was going to the murder scene I didn’t see any houses around so I thought to myself that it would have been a easy case. Then when I got to the crime scene I saw a house just at the peak of a hill.
Then when I looked at the place were the woman got murdered I saw a track of blood going down the hill leading to some place else and just at the beginning I saw a pocket knife with blood on it.
When I knocked on the house door a man opened up the door and I told him that I was there to look around the house because of the mysterious woman’s death. He let me in and I started to ask the man some questions. I told him “ what’s your name” he said “Jorge”. Then I told him what was “how many people live in this house” the man said “Just me my wife and kids” then I told him “how many kids” he said “just two”. I told him “what was his wife’s name and his kids names” he said “my wife’s name is Sandra and my kids names is Luis and the my other son is Jose. When I told him did anybody from his family die and he said no. He looked worried in some way because when he said no his voice change a bit. I asked him who got killed then, he said “There was a woman at the door she said that she got lost from a group from a camp site witch I think is miles from here because there is no camp site in this area” Then I went to his wife and told here who died and she said the something so I knew that they weren’t lying.
Then I told them how did the woman die, They said “my wife and me heard a scream come from outside we ran outside and they saw the woman’s arm get dragged from behind the bushes”. I told them “when the woman knocked on the door where did she go” they said “outside to the lake” When I went outside to look at the blood trail I followed it and I ended up beside the lake.
The trial of blood ended up going into a lake. But right before the blood trial ended there was a sharp tooth but it didn’t look like it was from a wolf or a bear or anything that is normal. So I went to my wife’s car and pulled out my computer that I use and I tried looking up every single tooth that ever existed and there was no such tooth that I found besides that lake. When I was trying to look the tooth up I saw something move from the bushes to the lake and I looked very close and I saw something big move and it went away. When I tried looking for it in the lake the only thing that I found was crab shells some dead fish and living fish and a whole lot of rocks. So I never found what happened to the woman that died but I still think that there is something in the lake that killed here. It might be the man or the woman but the evidence that I found didn’t match anything that cam from them but the only thing that I have found was that very sharp skinny saw like tooth.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

how to make logandale better

I think that logandale need a lot of improvements in the school to Make it a better place.My first reason is that we need better food in the lunchroom. My second reason is that we need to get some free time between our class time. My last reason is that the school needs to have better teachers that make kids actually do there homework. If you were to decide what the schools should change what would it be?
My first reason is that we need better food in the lunchroom. We need better food because so of us need more food than others. The 8th rgraders get all the bad food but all the 6th and the 7th graders get some good food. We need some good food to, so we can be healthy and ready
to learn. We need good food to be healthy.
My second reason is that we need to get some free time between our class time. We need some free time to talk about ether something we don’t get or something we need to ask. Some of us need to go on the commuters and play some games so we can have fun but the school has something that lets you see the students computer and control them or block them from the internet. Then there is some stuff that guys or girls need to talk about like if someone wants to fight someone then they have to talk about it so they can see if there going to fight or not. Having somebody look at our computers makes it look like they are seeing use changing our clothes.
My last reason is that schools need to have better teachers that get kids to do there actual homework. Sometimes teachers tell kids how to do there homework, But they teach it in a 8th grade level and the kids are in 7th or 6th grade. When they don’t get it or make it fun and exciting, they come to a place were they want to copy off someone who is smart and did there homework. That’s why when teachers look at there homework they see the same wrong answers on the same papers. That’s why the teachers need to get the kids into doing there homework.
I think that logandale need a lot of improvements in the school to make it a better place. My first reason is that we need better food in the lunchroom. My second reason is that we need to get some free time between our class time. My last reason is that the school needs to have better teachers that make kids actually do there homework. These are my three reasons how the school can be improved to make it a better place for kids in logandale.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life changing event

My life changing event was when my uncle got shot and he died. I didnt know why anbody killed him or anything, I didnt know who killed him, and i didnt know with what did they kill him with. The only thing i know is that my mom told me that he cam out of my cuzins house to get something out of h car and all of a suden my cuzins heard a gun shot. So they went out side and they found him on the floor bleeding from his chest. But to me he was my module because he could sing mexican songs and other songs very well and he was ditermined to keep singing. Now the things i have to remmember him is his videos about him when he was singing to my cuzins when we were having a party.

That even changed me a lot because first it changed the way i felt when i did things. Then it changed the way i do my work. it also changed the way i look at things. It changed the way i did things because when i was a little boy i always went along with anything other people said like when they told me to get things that wernt mine and to break my cuzins stuff. Now i think if its going to kill me or if im going to get in trouble for it and when i think it through i make the right choses.

It changed how i did my work by the way i was thinking how my uncle was ditermined on what he was trying to do his work. Then i toke that advice he was doing and i tryed my best to do a lot of things like if my mom tells me to get my grades up. I do it because my mom tells me to try my best and when i look at her i think about my uncle saying to do my best. Now im atualy trying to do my work and get my grades up so i can go to high school and go to college get a good job and live my life trying as hard as i can.

It also changed the way i look at things. When i look at a girl i dont think shes judt a girl that i can kiss or have sex with but i look at here and i see how she feels and how we could have a good relationship but without all that drama going on with other people like they didnt want a baby or that the girls or the men are cheatng on them. I dont think about any stuff like that i think about having a good life and what evrything to come in the future. This is why i chose this life changing event to write my little story about.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Parents are the best teachers

I agree that parents are the best teachers. My first reason is that your parents can teach you other stuff that teacher or other kids cant teach you. My second reason is, parents might of gone to college so they would know how to do math problems etc... and they might help you with your homework. My last reason is that at home parents might do something smart like take you to a program to help the kids learn more and make things a lot funner. I think parents are good teachers how about you?
My first reason is that your parents can teach you other stuff that teachers or other kids cant teach you. The thing that other people might not teach you is probably something about relationships and how they can make it worst or how relationships can get bad. Sometimes your parents can teach you how to do stuff like how to play a sport or trying to make you fix something that the kids broke so the next time they think they break something they can just fix it. Others that want to learn how to take care of a baby, that's when your parents come in and teach you how to take care of a baby and they know because they raised other babies like your sister or you. That's why your parents are smart and might know a lot just like other people that went to college.
My second reason is, parents might of gone to college so they would know how to do math problems etc... and they might help you with your homework. Your parents might be smart so they can help you with stuff that you are having a problem with like math, Reading, science, social studies, and other stuff that might come up in high school, middle school, or elementary school. Your mom and dad might make you better at what ever subject and the kid might go to honors or just make you smart enough to pass to the other grade. But other parents are smarter because instead of making them learn subject they teach them like about 2 subjects instead of 1. Then there are smarter parents when there to busy the let some other people teach them.
My last reason is that parents might do something a little more smart by putting them in a after school program so they can make it a little more fun. There parents put them into a after school program like for example boys and girls club. Others might put them in a program where they might get there kids wanting to do there homework because of that. There parents also home school them when there kids don't want to do there work and fail like for 5 years. These parents are smart but can they be smart enough to control there kids.
These are my three reasons why parents are the best teachers. My first reason is that parents can teach you stuff that teachers and other kids cant teach them. My second reason is, parents could of gone to college so they would know how to do math problems etc... and they might help you with your homework. My last reason is that parents might do something a little more smart by putting them in a after school program so they can make it a little more fun. These are my three reasons why i think that parents are the best teachers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

a skill everyone needs

I think that people should know math to be successful for 3 reasons. The first reason is that we need math to get a good job. My second reason, people will be able to do the bills like it was a single math problem like the house bill. My last reason is that people need math to know if someone makes a mistake in the store or something. If you knew a lot of math would your life be different or worst?

My first reason is that you need to know math to get a good job. Being a math teacher isnt that bad because some people like to teach kid about math and still be getting a good amount of money. I think that most people that know good math like to work at a bank because it includes a lot of math so they can count the money. People like working at a bank and other people like paying the bills.

The second reason is that people will be able to do there bills like there were a single math problem. Like is if a person buys a huge house and it has a lot of lights so they turn on the lights and they forget to turn them off. Then the next day the bill comes in and its over $100 like $156.39. So he figures out how much money they need to spend on the house bill and how much he needs to spend on food. Even other stuff they need around the house so then he would have money for things that are more important, like an emergency. With math you can fix many mistakes many people do.

My last reason is that people need math to tell if its the wrong price or the right price. When you go to the store people in there may make a mistake like if a person has one item and they charge it like two times so its double the regular price. Other mistakes may be that other peoples stuff may be put in your stuff so they can pay for there stuff instead of them paying there own stuff. People may trick you or just make a mistake.

These are my 3 reasons why we should know math in our life. First, we need math to have a good job. Second, people will be able to the bills like it was a single math problem like the house bill. Last reason is that people need math to tell people made a mistake or not. This is why people should know math to be sucsseful in there lives.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

this is a cool place
just look at the animals
you would like this place

The best day ever!!!!!!!!!!

My best day ever was when it was my birthday. The first thing that i liked on my birthday was when my sisters and my dad went to the store and i stayed home sleeping. When they came back they woke me up singing happy birthday to me. After they sang, they gave me a game called gitar hero that i wanted for my DS. After they gave me the game for my DS, we went to go eat at a big expencive place called red lobster. I eat a lot of seafood like lobster, shrimp, fish, and crab. Later when were done eating we went back home and we just went to sleep or did something to keep us entertained until it was time to go to sleep but still stayed up playing gitar hero until like 12:00. I would of stayed up longer but i remmembered that there was school tommarow. Thats my story on my best day ever so just comment me on my story or something that i missed.