I agree that parents are the best teachers. My first reason is that your parents can teach you other stuff that teacher or other kids cant teach you. My second reason is, parents might of gone to college so they would know how to do math problems etc... and they might help you with your homework. My last reason is that at home parents might do something smart like take you to a program to help the kids learn more and make things a lot funner. I think parents are good teachers how about you?
My first reason is that your parents can teach you other stuff that teachers or other kids cant teach you. The thing that other people might not teach you is probably something about relationships and how they can make it worst or how relationships can get bad. Sometimes your parents can teach you how to do stuff like how to play a sport or trying to make you fix something that the kids broke so the next time they think they break something they can just fix it. Others that want to learn how to take care of a baby, that's when your parents come in and teach you how to take care of a baby and they know because they raised other babies like your sister or you. That's why your parents are smart and might know a lot just like other people that went to college.
My second reason is, parents might of gone to college so they would know how to do math problems etc... and they might help you with your homework. Your parents might be smart so they can help you with stuff that you are having a problem with like math, Reading, science, social studies, and other stuff that might come up in high school, middle school, or elementary school. Your mom and dad might make you better at what ever subject and the kid might go to honors or just make you smart enough to pass to the other grade. But other parents are smarter because instead of making them learn subject they teach them like about 2 subjects instead of 1. Then there are smarter parents when there to busy the let some other people teach them.
My last reason is that parents might do something a little more smart by putting them in a after school program so they can make it a little more fun. There parents put them into a after school program like for example boys and girls club. Others might put them in a program where they might get there kids wanting to do there homework because of that. There parents also home school them when there kids don't want to do there work and fail like for 5 years. These parents are smart but can they be smart enough to control there kids.
These are my three reasons why parents are the best teachers. My first reason is that parents can teach you stuff that teachers and other kids cant teach them. My second reason is, parents could of gone to college so they would know how to do math problems etc... and they might help you with your homework. My last reason is that parents might do something a little more smart by putting them in a after school program so they can make it a little more fun. These are my three reasons why i think that parents are the best teachers.
The diary of AnneFrank Questions P832(1-8)P870(1-9)
15 years ago
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