Friday, May 1, 2009


once there was a lion witch like to take a hike on a suny day witch it was a good day to hunt for food. As he was walking down the road he saw a crow that was above the lake. So the lion said "get down here and come to my cave where we can have a feast with the other animals". The crow said "what are we oing to eat" and the lion said "you will see when you get there". As all the animals where at the lions cave the lion said relaxe and enjoy the meal". So as the fox was outside going inside the cave as he was late he saw animals coming out but he did not see the pig come out and they new the lion ate him and the crow said "you are what you eat"

1 comment:

  1. I don't get the moral of the story. It was a nice story but I would have expected to say it like "We are what we eat." because the crow sead "What are we going to eat?"
